Thursday, July 5, 2007

~The Trip 2 Town~

....Continued on.....
lol! Well, what more can I say except that Igniterz! went to Smorgy's just yesterday. When everyone had already arrived and had paid for lunch at the buffet restaurant, we continued inside to a table that was next to a window and that gave us a good front view of salty the seal on the stage. After eating for a while, some people got adventurous with their food. Just to name some of the things they did with their food-
-Dip chips into ice cream
-Mix strawberry mousse with icecream then add a bit of pepper for a bit of flavour.
-Mixing choclate mousse and icecream with choclate bits, giving the icecream a gooey nutty appearance
To top it off, these newly made food recipes were tried out by the chefs who created it themselves.

Ok, ok, there wasn't exactly a massive food fight.....many were able to maintain a very mature lets say, behaviour in public, however 4 a few others, wel, they were having fun conducting a mini food fight with the salt and pepper shakers.

One person, might I add, started putting salt on a tissue. As they were doing this, a lady working at Smorgy's came to our table to collect the used plates on the side. I had a feeling the salt shaker girl knew the lady had caught her in the act!
The salt shaker person, paused 4 a second. Realising that someone had witnessed her in her criminal activity. Then continued wasting more salt on the tissue. She got away with it!!! LOL! anyways, bak to the main story.

At the beginning, I assumed that Salty the seal only gave night performances, and was I sooooo wrong! So everione had to endure listening to the seal rap with the fork man aka king merman (copyright Tim) who was holding one of those pitchfork things. Rather enertainin in a funny way.

After Smorgy's, we went on a little shopping trip. Some people tried on some clothes, two people bought something and yeah. Later all caught a bus to the Teh's place.

Started off with a dance uk showdown!!! Chariz was the reigning dance queen and Sylvia was the next in line to be queen. Everione else had a go and busted some moves on the dance mats. Nice! Later watched Shrek 3 and attempted to play Tekken with the dance mats but that didnt last veri long:P Had dinner then had some ps2 car racing. The night concluded with an exclusive showing of the final Heroes episode on dvd with no ads in it:D hehehe.
The End:D

Saturday, June 30, 2007


Igniterz! spent the evening at a Geelong Youth gathering. On the way there, we had a little issue of finding the place. We ended circling some places before we got there. They started off the nite with singstar challeng on ps2....yes, and what can I say abt the popstars who competed in it? well...let me let u in on a little secret....lets jus say it wasnt exactly a thumbs up from me...shhhhhhh!!! but hey, a round of applause for them 4 having the courage 2 get up there and singin songs by people such as whitney houston. Becoz i dnt thnk i wud of had the courage 2 stand up there in front of heaps of ppl and sing and bust sum moves to get the crowd going wild. lol...

Mite I just add that the worship was awsome!!!:D It was reali loud but great! I think quite a few people left the place with their ears ringing. By the way, the people leading it this time cud sing:P lol, the musicians were extremeli talented, the guitar acoustics ( hope tht makes sense) were sweet and the drumming was mind blowing!

Nathan Claridge was the speaker for the night. Talked about being the Ezekiel generation. He also told a miracle story about a man who was truly healed by God. This man actually had 3 sons, and he was diagnosed with Lymphatic cancer. The church that he attended had helped supported him during that time. They also prayed for him. It was not by chance but by the power of God's hand that this man was healed. It just comes to show that God, is realli a living God of wonders and miracles.

They ended the night with more praise and worship. Igniterz ended up leaving early because our parents and uncle Eddy had alredi arrived. With the holidays arledi here!!!! Igniterz youth has organised an event which includes a scrumptious and delicious lunch at Smorgy's all you can eat. And boy, for sure, many wil be saving a little extra room in their stomachs. hehehe...This will be followed after with a series of movies.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Who's Judson?

Yes, who exactly is Judson? lol. Your answer has been granted, he was a great Burma missionary. An American who travelled to many different countries, includin India. He in the end ended up in Burma in where his missionary works began and amazingly when he went bak to America, he could hardly speak any English! + he translated the Bible into burmese language. Main lesson drawn from this is that we have to be patient and not give up becoz there r no instant results when you follow God's will. In the end, God blesses Judson with a church with thousands saved. After our lesson from Rev. Ang, we had a game.

Pictionary! lol...not jus ani plain old pictionary, no this was something much betr, mor extradorinary, more action packed! It was Playdough pictionary! A game where 2 teams vigorously battled it out with playdough to be the winning champions! Playdough flew everiwhere as the people sculptured the chunks of dough into a fine piece of artwork. lol....well something along the lines of that. One team won but I can't remember which. And tht twas all.......

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Youth's Mother's Day

Seeing I've finally created a gmail account I've decided to "contribute" to the youth's blog.

Yesterday we had a special youth because of Mother's Day which is this Sunday. There was worship then we had two items by Corliss and Chariz. Corliss read out a couple of poems to the mothers and Chariz played a nice song on the violin^^ After this there was the message by U.Eddy. He told and illustrated two different stories which both have a kind of moral to them.

Then the "Guardian Angels" were revealed. Only Tim guessed correctly.. Below is who guarded who for this prorgramme that went for two months I think...

Chariz guarded Tim
Corliss guarded Tom
Sylvia guarded Cath
Stella guarded Richard
Tim guarded Jonothan
Amy guarded Chariz
Tom guarded Stella
Cath guarded Tiffany
Richard guarded Corliss
Tiffany guarded Amy
Jonothan guarded Sylvia

*hope that I didn't forget about anyone ><" and that it's correct*

After this it was game time!! lol.. and the mothers and father had to participate as well!!! The game was charades and it was iGNiTeRz against Mothers and Father. The four categories to choose from for charades were "Bible", "TV/Movies", "Celebrities" and "Actions". The game started with Corliss acting "Gone With the Wind". The game continued with the Mothers and Father consistently choosing "Bible" and the iGNiTeRz choosing "TV/Movies" =P When all those options were taken people were then forced to choose "Celebrities" and "Actions". Overall it was quite entertaining to watch with some people having 'hidden' acting talents. I'm not sure who won... it was either the Mothers and Father won or a draw =.="

After all the fun and games we had time to socialise and eat the food that the iGNiTeRz made so the mothers could have a rest =P

Think that's all for this blog entry.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

The Fruits of the Spirit 2- 27thApril

Ok, ok, this is the next exctin sequel!!!!! Currentli were lernin abt the fruits of the spirit n we lernt abt goodness, kindness yep yep... that was Corliss... and now it's me! Chariz! WHoO! logging off... while she goes back on =D bak on yeh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! newayz, as i waz sayin , we lernt abt goodnes, kindnes and patience. n an update on the week b4 yestrday on friday, we lernt abt love, joy and peace and who the Holy Spirit is. Oh yes, n Chariz, she tol me 2 capitalise the first letr of her name, lol... said 2 tlk abt the Guardian angel program! Everiones getting suspicious of who is their G.A........seriousli its a guessing game and its gr8 tht nobodi rili actuali knw who is their G.A. neways, il stop mi babling. Everiones goten a veri mysteruious, mystifying msg n pakage frm their G.A. xcep 4 chariz and sylvia, Nathaneal and Joseph.... but thats coz joseph and Nathaneal are each others G.A.!!!!! so cute!!!*hint 2 Chariz's n Sylv's G.A- plz leav em a mysterious note:D it wud b gr8li appreciated by them.

Until the nex time.......

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Joseph the movie (Part 2)

Ok i dunno why but i'm like the only one who's been posting what's been happening at igniters... ah well... i guess i'm the only leader who has a gmail/blogger account...

Part 2 of the movie was soo good! i almost cried again! that's how good the movie is.

anyway, before we started the program, we went through our skit. we only got to practice doing it like... 3 times... God will guide us because we only did it 3 times... and we are doing it for Him.

also, there's finally a progress in our guardian angel program. i noticed that 3 people got something from their guardian angel.... where's my guardian angel??? T.T

details about the movie? well... how should i describe the whole movie... hmmm.... you can basically get the whole storyline by just reading joseph in the bible... mm-hmm... i suggest you do that rather than me typing up all the details on the movie =) unless my fellow leaders would rather type up the summary of the movie.

Monday, April 2, 2007

Joseph (Part 1)

The first half of the movie... hmm... how should I describe it... pretty interesting =)

we also had pizza. the pizza was only for that day which was the 30th of march. mmmmmmmmmmmmm delicious..................... ok I didn't eat much but it was still nice. =P

this is really short because i dont really wanna expose the contents of the movie so if u wanna know what happened... there's still part 2 to watch =)

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Love Story Quiz

On friday, we had the love story quiz. We were asked to pick a number from 1 to 50 and then we were asked the question of that number. The four youth that were in the finals (points not in any order) were: Richard, Sylvia, Chariz & Jonathan. When the quiz was finished our youth coordinator u. Eddy told us about the easter skit that we were meant to do. The main characters are: Tim, Richard, Jonathan. The points were added up. a. Christina came up and told us the winner. Sylvia came up and a prize was handed to her.

That was a good night. Next friday, we're having a movie night.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

iGNiTeRz & me, myself and my friends =)

well... this is a good start. i'll be blogging about what happens at ignite soon =)

Stay tuned